

Lawndale Attorneys for Employment Litigation

Located on two square miles in the South Bay region of Los Angeles County, the city of Lawndale has a population of 31,807 as of the 2020 census. Its top employers are the city itself, local elementary and high school districts, Target, McDonald’s, VCA Advanced Veterinary Care Center, Smart and Final, Options for Life, Inc., and American Drilling Co. The city is served by I-405, State Route 107, also known as Hawthorne Boulevard, and State Route 91, also known as Artesia Boulevard. LAX is 5.7 miles away. The law places numerous expectations on employers for the protection of employees. Unfortunately, in Lawndale, as it is elsewhere, some employers are not scrupulous about following the law, and the result can be damaging to a worker. If you are concerned about employment discrimination, wage and hour violations, or retaliation for whistleblowing, give the experienced Lawndale employment law attorneys of Calderone Law Firm a call. We have years of experience we can put to work for you.

Call Our Lawndale Law Firm For Employment Discrimination Litigation

Our firm represents those who’ve been discriminated against, harassed, or retaliated against on account of a personal trait that is protected under federal, state, or local laws. In most cases, the state law, the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) provides the greatest protection for the widest range of traits. It applies to workplaces with at least five employees, except in the case of sexual harassment where it applies no matter the size of the employer. Traits that are protected include race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age 40 or older, ancestry, religion, national origin, military status, marital status and genetic information.

Attorneys Suing for Wage and Hour Violations

Calderone Law Firm represents employees in wage and hour lawsuits related to minimum wage, overtime, and meal and rest breaks, among other things. It’s important to be aware that some employers misclassify their nonexempt employees as independent contractors or exempt employees in order to avoid abiding by wage and hour protections and paying for workers’ compensation. However, your employer isn’t the final word on whether you are an employee entitled to those protections. If you believe you may be a nonexempt employee and that you have been subject to wage theft, you should call our firm for a consultation.

It can be especially challenging to pursue relief for wage and hour violations because, in some cases, the damages are quite small. However, in such situations, it can be appropriate to bring a class action alongside coworkers in the same workplace who are similarly situated; we have the requisite experience with these sometimes complex cases to bring the class action on your behalf. Among other things, the procedure is different with a class action because the court certifies classes only if they meet certain requirements, and, typically, defense lawyers will try every tactic to avoid class certification to stop the class action lawsuit from going forward.

Legal Representation for Whistleblowers

There’s a real risk that when you report your employer for wrongdoing or misconduct that the employer will choose to retaliate against you. However, the law doesn’t abide this. You’re protected against employer retaliation based on reporting suspected legal violations and regulation violations, so long as you reasonably believed the report that you made. You would be protected, for instance, if you worked for a fast food restaurant and reported a wage and hour violation to the Labor Commissioner. Likewise, if your hospital employer made a false Medicare claim, you’d be protected against retaliation for reporting it to the government.

Consult a Seasoned Lawndale Lawyer

It can be challenging to go up against your employer with regard to wage and hour violations, employment discrimination, and whistleblowing. For one thing, your employer likely has more resources, and for another, you may rightly fear retaliation. It is important to retain an attorney who can protect your interests, if you intend to pursue litigation in Lawndale. Give our seasoned employment lawyers a call. Vincent Calderone, the founder of the Calderone Law Firm, has more than 20 years of experience litigating these cases. Please contact us online or call us at (424) 348-8290.

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